List of Policies

Staff Recruitment, Review and Promotions Policy

·    Leaders Institute (LI) understands the importance of reviewing its staff performance to ensure that it can achieve its vision and mission.
·    LI understands that it is important to develop and build on the knowledge and capabilities of its staff to provide a supportive and excellent working environment.
·    LI acknowledges that reward and recognition are important factors, which may also contribute towards staff performing at their best.
·    LI understands that it must have a process that is fair, respectful of diversity, inclusive and that promotes equitable access to all staff.
·     LI recognises the need to provide LI staff with appropriate support, time and encouragement to undertake professional development and inductions.
·     LI recognises that LI staff need to be provided with opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and capabilities that will ensure the achievement of strategic goals, contribute to the achievement of individual aspirations and achieve the required legislative and professional requirements.
·     The relevant delegated supervisors will identify development needs primarily through planning, development and review.
·     LI expects that staff will be proactive and take responsibility for their own professional development and strive to achieve their full potential.
·     LI expects to ensure that staff are formally and informally rewarded in a fair and consistent manner for outstanding contributions and performance that support its goals and objectives.
·     The process for promotions recognises and rewards consistent outstanding achievement and performance.
Performance management consists of the following three core elements:
·     individual plans;
·     ongoing feedback and development;
·     performance and development reviews.
·     The HR Manager is responsible to ensure that the policy is implemented across all departments of the Institute.
·     Academic Board is responsible to ensure that the promotion of academic staff follows due processes set out by LI.
·     The Vice President Academic, Dean, Registrar, Program Directors and delegated supervisors are responsible for the performance review for their respective staff.
·     All staff of LI are individually responsible for their own professional development.
·     LI is responsible for providing opportunities, resources and tools so that staff can become competent in their roles and achieve their career aspirations.



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    Staff Professional Development Policy