List of Policies

Online Learning Policy

This policy sets out the principles that guide the delivery of online learning at Leaders Institute (LI). LI is committed to providing and adapting to emerging technology that delivers and enhances online learning experience for students and academic staff. Thus, emerging online learning technologies that are appropriate to students and academic staff will be used effectively to support online learning.
Online learning. A learning environment in which all students can access course materials, learning resources, and communication through a virtual learning environment and learning management system.
LI delivers an online learning experience that enhances access, meets contemporary needs and interests, and maintains high standards of academic quality. Online learning and teaching at LI:
·     is student-centred
·     takes into consideration class size;
·     includes online student orientation;
·     includes ready access to learning resources and research instruction through the library system;
·     ensures equal access to academic, administrative and student services support;
·     supports academic staff delivering online units and courses for effective and dynamic online instruction, including professional development, training, online course design standards, instructional design services, and technical support;
·     offers alternatives if required including processes for fee reductions, refunds or deferral if there is a significant change to the course delivery;
·     provides student engagement throughout course delivery including peer to peer interaction and staff to student interaction;
·     maintains high quality of delivery and learning outcomes with a focus on semester reviews and monitoring of quality and learning outcomes;
·     ensures that governance obligations are met including developing, approving and implementing changes, accurate recording, staff and student communication plans, and overviewing any risk management plans.  



All staff and students

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


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Chair, Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Category: Learning and Teaching


Learning and Teaching

  • Select Category
  • Approval Body

    Academic Board

    Endorsement Body

    Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee

    Related Policies

    Student Learning Support Policy