This policy sets out the Leaders Institute (LI) requirements and expectations of undergraduates in English language proficiency at admission and during their courses of study. Independent of LI requirements and expectations, the Department of Home Affairs sets out requirements for students to obtain a student visa. International students from countries determined by the Department of Home Affairs, must provide a satisfactory Academic International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test score or equivalent when applying for a student visa.
LI adheres to the following principles:
· admission to courses at LI requires a minimum level of English language competence;
· language use varies according to context, audience and purpose;
· all students are expected to have requisite academic language skills to be able to successfully engage with their studies;
· applicants must satisfy the Institute’s entry requirements and course entry requirements, including English language requirements as set out in the Admission Policy;
· international applicants must satisfy the Department of Home Affairs English language and other requirements for visa applications;
· LI provides support for the development of students’ English language proficiency throughout the course, applying course-integrated and non-integrated strategies designed for the particular requirements of disciplines and cohorts;
· Program Directors are responsible for managing the collection, analysis and reporting of evidence of students’ English language proficiency and ensuring timely response to students at risk.
All students
Key Stakeholder
All staff and students
All applicants graduating from Australian high schools and have a rank score, will meet the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements for entry to a LI course, provided they meet the admission rules.
International applicants who are citizens of designated countries will be considered to have satisfied ELP requirements if they have completed senior secondary schooling (or higher) in a designated country demonstrating successful studies and proficiency in each of the English language skills.
· LI students are responsible for addressing their own language development needs and acting on feedback provided about their English language proficiency. They will be encouraged to take advantage of the support provided by LI.
· At the start of each semester LI will provide an academic orientation program designed to support students.
· The academic orientation program introduces students to the LI culture of learning, literacy requirements and the need for students to take responsibility for continuing to develop their language competences as they progress through their course.
· LI also provides support for the development of students’ English language proficiency throughout their course of study, applying course-integrated and non-integrated strategies designed for the particular requirements of disciplines and student cohorts.
· Program Directors will ensure that their courses include opportunities to assess students’ language competences early in the course. As a result of this assessment, teaching staff will provide feedback to guide students in how to further develop their language competences, including directing them to appropriate learning resources.
· Students identified as being ‘at risk’ due to insufficient English language proficiency will be provided with additional support, which may include an intensive one-week English language proficiency course held at the beginning of each semester.
· Program Directors will ensure that courses include opportunities for students to develop relevant academic and professional literacies, including both oral and written literacies, to help students develop critical capacities in appraising relevant literature and in presenting their own work.