This policy addresses the discontinuation of an academic course offered by Leaders Institute (LI). Discontinuation may occur because of changes in student demand, an alteration to strategic positioning in a particular market or a major course revision.
· Enrolled students should not be unreasonably disadvantaged by the discontinuation of Institute courses and should have the opportunity to complete their course within a reasonable time frame and meet the learning outcomes of the course.
· The quality of the course and supporting resources must be maintained to the end of the teach-out period.
· External stakeholders involved in the delivery of the course including the provision of WIL opportunities, should be availed of the discontinuation in a timely manner.
· Academic Board must approve the discontinuation of any academic course and prior to students being formally notified.
· Development Committee will provide to Academic Board a comprehensive teach-out plan that details the teach-out timetable, implications for student progress along with how students will be notified and subsequently counselled about their study.
· LI will advise students of any discontinuation in writing and ensure each student is provided with an individualised course map for the teach-out period.
All courses
Key Stakeholder
All staff and students
LI aims to protect the interests of students and faculty and ensure the financial well-being of the Institute and its financial commitments are honoured. The decision to discontinue an educational course is not taken lightly. Such a decision requires substantial planning and careful early consultation with all those affected.
The procedures are as follows:
· The Vice President Academic will submit a Discontinuation/Suspension Proposal to Academic Board for consideration with full disclosure for the proposal.
· A proposed teach-out plan for the course must be included as part of the submission. The teach-out plan must indicate how the integrity of the course will be maintained and its objectives met during the phasing-out period.
· Where special arrangements for students who have failed to meet the usual progress requirements of the course are required, the Program Director must indicate any special arrangements and include the number of students affected and arrangements for them to complete their course.
· Academic Board will consider the merit of the proposed arrangements and forward its recommendation to Governing Board for their consideration.
Student Progress and Teach-out Plans
The Vice President Academic and Program Director will review course progression data for students enrolled in Teach-out programs at the end of each semester. The Vice President Academic will provide end of semester reports to Academic Board (via Development Committee) on the status of the teach-out and any impact of delayed course progress on course discontinuation and Teach-out plans.
Communication with Students
The Vice President Academic and Program Director will communicate regularly with students about course(s) that are in teach-out mode via email and web updates. All affected students and staff will be provided with the full teach-out plan to assist with both short and long term course planning.
Students seeking to resolve a dispute or question arising under this policy must do so in accordance with the Student Grievance and Appeals Policy.