Leaders Institute has no tolerance for sexual misconduct and expectations are explained clearly during staff induction and student orientation. There are safe spaces for students to raise concerns, seek help and support, and report incidents of sexual misconduct. All individuals involved are treated fairly, impartially, and with compassion and empathy, while adhering to the principles of procedural fairness in proceedings or decisions. Immediate action is taken after receiving a sexual misconduct report to prevent its recurrence and address its effects.

In response to the Respect.Now.Always initiative begun by Universities Australia and the Change the Course Reports published by the Australian Human Rights Commission, we ensure that the Leader Institute community on campus and online is safe, inclusive, and well informed about matters of welfare.

The Institute is committed to providing a safe on-campus and online student learning environment which includes:

  • professional development for all staff on prevention of and responses to sexual misconduct;
  • central location for all information regarding sexual misconduct prevention and response in the Staff Portal and Student Portal;
  • clearly identify disrespectful attitudes and behaviours and proactively talk and teach about appropriate relationships.

If you experience sexual misconduct, Leaders Institute recommends that you:

  • seek support from a trusted source such as a family member, an external provider, or a Leaders Institute staff member, such as the Registrar, a Student Support Officer;
  • limit the number of people you inform so that investigations are impartial, and your privacy is protected;
  • complete the Sexual Misconduct Report Form independently or with the help of the Student Support Officer;
  • If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is dealt with, you can seek further advice from an outside agency such as the Human Rights Commission or other relevant government agency;
  • students and staff members may choose to report the incident to the police. In the case of an emergency please dial 000 for the police, fire, or ambulance. If the situation is not an emergency, please call your local police station. There are anonymous reporting options also. You can take a support person with you when making a report to the police.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact:

External Support Services

There are national and state based external support services, such:

The procedure for notification and resolution of a grievance related to sexual misconduct is outlined in the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy.

Overview of the SASH Reporting Process

As per the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy, this overview outlines the process for reporting and responding to SASH incidents:

Preventing Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of their gender. RESPECT.NOW.ALWAYS focuses specifically on sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention. We recognise that these acts of violence, like others (such as intimate partner violence, family violence, and stalking) all have a gendered nature and often occur because of power imbalances. This is why we prefer to use the term “gender-based violence”.

LI’s focus is on prevention strategies, addressing the attitudes, practices and power imbalances that drive gender-
based violence and promoting good health and wellbeing in our community. Some drivers of gender-based violence

  • the condoning of violence against women and members of the LGBTIQA+ community
  • the imbalance of power in relationships, decision-making, and limits to independence
  • stereotyped constructions of gender
  • peers emphasising or encouraging aggression
  • disrespect towards women and LGBTIQA+ persons.