LI ensures that:
- critical incident management is incorporated into the Risk Management Plan, including risk assessments and the impact of potential adverse events on LI operations;
- LI documents critical incidents, including in respect to international students;
- critical incidents are managed by the Critical Incident Coordinator designated by the President;
- the Critical Incident Coordinator is responsible for managing LI’s response to and its recovery from the incident;
- confidential and personal information is only released with the consent of the person involved, next of kin, or where it may be necessary to protect the health and wellbeing of others;
- critical incident management information is provided to staff and students;
- critical incident risk assessments are regularly monitored and reviewed;
- annual financial forecasting includes resources for managing risks;
- all students must provide current contact details;
- all emergency equipment is regularly checked, serviced, and replaced when necessary.
Critical incidents are classified as:
- Minor– localised impact and little or no potential to escalate. These can be resolved through standard LI procedures and be managed by LI staff.
- Moderate– localised impact that could potentially escalate into a major incident, such as serious injury or death of a student or staff member.
- Major– substantial or catastrophic impact on LI operations with long-term or profound effect, such as threatening to cause multiple fatalities or serious injuries and/or significant property damage or adverse media reporting.
Whole Institute
Key Stakeholder
All staff, students, prospective students
When managing a critical incident, the Critical Incident Coordinator or delegated representative considers:
- preservation of life and avoiding any further injury;
- minimisation of the impact on the local community and environment;
- supporting, where possible, emergency services response;
- preservation of LI facilities and resources;
- resumption of normal business operations as soon as is practicable.
For a minor incident, the person receiving the information should report it to the Critical Incident Coordinator or delegated representative.
For a moderate or major critical incident, the staff member directly involved should:
- ensure the physical safety of students and staff as a matter of urgency (i.e. lockdown or evacuation of premises);
- call LI’s Critical Incident Coordinator.
For an incident involving death, serious injury or a threat to life, the person receiving the information must immediately call emergency services as appropriate on 000. Key details to report include the time, location, and nature of the incident, as well as names and roles of persons involved.
The Critical Incident Coordinator:
- provides all those affected by the incident with access to factual information;
- contacts the President;
- coordinates the de-briefing of those affected within eight hours of the incident;
- monitors the need for counselling;
- initiates and maintains contact with those affected by the incident;
- assesses the need for on-going additional support from outside.
As soon as possible, the Critical Incident Coordinator or delegated representative will:
- liaise with medical, government, and other relevant professionals;
- determine if legal assistance is required;
- contact next of kin and ensure support is provided to family and friends, including staff and students;
- provide follow-up condolence letters to family;
- ensure counselling support is provided, if required;
- complete a critical incident report for the President;
- liaise with relevant staff to make appropriate arrangements for affected students, such as release from classes, rescheduling assessments, withdrawal, or tuition fee refund;
- in the case of death, notify relevant staff, including Librarian, Registrar, and Student Support Officers.
Off-campus critical incidents involving staff or students should be reported by the person with the information as soon as possible to the Critical Incident Coordinator or delegated representative.
International Students
LI will adhere to the ESOS Act and notify the relevant government departments as soon as practical after the incident. In the case of a student’s death or other absence affecting attendance, the Critical Incident Coordinator or delegated representative will contact the Department of Home Affairs by phone prior to reporting via the Provider Registration and International Student Management System
If an international student dies or sustains serious injury, LI may be required to assist the family:
- hire interpreters;
- make arrangements for hospital/funeral/memorial service; repatriation;
- obtain death certificate;
- with personal affairs, including insurance and visas issues.
LI maintains a written record of any critical incident and remedial action taken by LI for at least two years after the overseas student ceases to be an accepted student.
Costs incurred by a staff member or student, next of kin or family because of a critical incident will be met by the staff member, student and/or family, unless approval to provide financial support has been granted by the President.